Podcast Conversation

In September of 2018, I had a conversation with my friend Thomas for his podcast: RISE/Inner Monologue. The story I chose to speak about was my most life defining: finding my stepfather dead from a prescription drug overdose when I was 13.

I’m not afraid of public speaking, to talk in general or to tell my story. Over the past thirty years, I’ve talked about it with numerous people. But to talk about it in this forum made me nervous and anxious. How many people would hear it? Who would hear it? It would be out there FOREVER.

I chose to do the podcast with the intention of helping others. Maybe my story or something I said would resonate with someone. I wanted to be open and honest and (in spite of the fear). The episode (162) aired yesterday and I am so happy I did it! I am grateful for the opportunity I was given to share. I did what I set out to do- I showed up and shared authentically.

If you haven’t listened to his podcast yet, I encourage you to do so. He has a different guest every week. Awesome people of various backgrounds making a great impact in the world!




Power in our stories

Hello beautiful souls! I have a friend named Thomas that created a podcast called RISE/Inner Monologue. He has conversations with different people of various backgrounds with incredible life stories that are doing awesome things in the world! Today, I had the wonderful opportunity to sit down with him and have a conversation myself.

I listen to this podcast weekly. Thomas asks for people to contact him if they feel there is something they want to talk about. As many times as I have heard his request, and as many times as I considered telling my own story, I was afraid. I was afraid my experiences weren’t important enough, big enough. I didn’t think what I was doing in the world was special enough, impactful enough, big enough. There’s that “big enough” again. I realized that in my fear of not being big enough, I was actually keeping myself small.

So many times we think we are insignificant, less than, not ENOUGH. It’s false. It’s a flat out lie. Each of us has stories from choices we made and experiences we had. They are all important and they are all valuable. They are worth sharing. It might not be in a forum such as a blog or podcast, but it might be with a loved one, a spouse, a friend, a co-worker, your child.

I have no idea who will hear my conversation with Thomas. I have no idea who it will affect or in what way. What I do know is that I made a choice to not be afraid. Well, actually I just did it afraid. Ha! I chose to tell my story. I chose to show up authentically, to use my voice, to share. That is priceless! I encourage you to share your story if you feel compelled to. There is power in our stories and when we share ours, we give others permission to do the same. Much love!

Podcast: http://www.risephoenix.org/

Art: Sharon Stelluto: https://www.sharonstelluto.com/